Profile SMYO-428: Leviathan

Owned by LithTheDarkSeer

Name: Leviathan
Age: Adult (Zombie)
Pronouns: he/him, they/them

Leviathan is a Sapsidian who came to the Forgotten Place, and fell victim to Rot Ritter. His fellow explorers found his remains and buried him in the Ship Shard Grave. It was what he would have wanted, as in life, he aspired to explore its depths.
However, he did not rest. Dying an unnatural death resurrected him, his body fueled on the desire for revenge. His visor leaks with the water of the Ship Shard Grave, and though his tail remains half devoured by his assailant, electricity still surges through it. Perhaps that electricity allowed him to come back to life?

Leviathan traveled back to the Forgotten Place with only one goal in mind: to hunt down Rot.
Though, he's very slow-moving as a zombie. His limbs don't work as they used to, and it's difficult to swim or even keep balance on his two feet. He lost his claws in the fight against Rot. Even his hook doesn't work, the line keeping it firm against his tail...
But that's alright. He has plenty of time, and his patience is boundless. He knows one day he will get his revenge.

Leviathan enjoys the ocean. He loves the cool water, the smell of ocean air, the fishes and flora underneath the water's surface... Even as a zombie, he lingers by any coasts or bodies of water, gazing out towards the horizon. When reaching into the water, small fish or other creatures will come and nip at his fingers. He finds their touch comforting; he is often seen petting the animals that come to see him.

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