[Open] Feral Sapsidians Are Here!

Posted 5 months ago :: Last edited 5 months ago by Hack
Flatsale: SO-498[Closed]
Design: Hack ・ Art: Hack
Price: $50

Flatsale: SO-492[Closed]
Design: Hack ・ Art: Hack
Price: $45

Flatsale: SO-491[Open]
Design: Hack ・ Art: Hack
Price: $45

Flatsale: SO-490[Closed]
Design: Hack ・ Art: Hack
Price: $40

Flatsale: SO-489[Closed]
Design: Hack ・ Art: Hack
Price: $40

Flatsale: SO-488[Closed]
Design: Hack ・ Art: Hack
Price: $35

Feral Subtype is HERE
The first subtype is finally here!
While this is an adopt set, I'll go ahead and answer some questions about them! 💚 
  • You can read their basic overview [here](https://www.sapsidians.com/info/feral)
  • The item will be added to the shop in November, giving everyone time to save up for them. Their shop price will be 5000BS, not including the cost of a MYO slot.
  • They will be a limited amount in shop so that we don't get overwhelmed with MYO approvals for the new subtype. It will also be 1 per person, so that everyone has a far chance to get one. (We will also have some raffled off as well) This limit will be expended and lifted at a later date.
Feel free to ask more questions if you have any. Anyways, onto the adopts!
This is a mixed set of OTAs! I'll be looking for the following:
  • Cash, via Paypal/ko-fi. Up to 1 week holds.
  • Art, 1:1 trades finished within 2 weeks.
  • Other characters and MYOs
  • BS, over 6000BS o7
  • Sushidog items and MYOs
ABs for each one is listed before each one.


Avatar of PalkiaDS
~~13.4k BS on SO-492!~~ Changed offer to a different sap on discord since I was outbid!

2024-09-26 21:20:48 (Edited 2024-09-26 21:40:49)

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