
<a href=" Sapsidian Egg" class="display-item">Common Sapsidian Egg</a>

Common Sapsidian Egg

Category: MYO

Resale Value: 100 Baby Stars


Use this Egg to create a common Sapsidian MYO slot.


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Sapsidian Egg" class="display-item">Unusual Sapsidian Egg</a>

Unusual Sapsidian Egg

Category: MYO

Resale Value: 200 Baby Stars


Use this Egg to create a unusual Sapsidian MYO slot. Can use Unusual and Common traits.


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Sapsidian Egg" class="display-item">Rare Sapsidian Egg</a>

Rare Sapsidian Egg

Category: MYO

Resale Value: 400 Baby Stars


Use this Egg to create a rare Sapsidian MYO slot. Can use Rare, Unusual, and Common traits.


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Sapsidian Egg" class="display-item">Epic Sapsidian Egg</a>

Epic Sapsidian Egg

Category: MYO

Resale Value: 800 Baby Stars


Use this Egg to create an epic Sapsidian MYO slot. Can use Any traits from Common to Epic rarity.


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Sapsidian Egg" class="display-item">Unlimited Sapsidian Egg</a>

Unlimited Sapsidian Egg

Category: MYO

Resale Value: 2000 Baby Stars


A special Sapsidian MYO slot that lets you use any traits (yes, even seasonal) without other items.

<a href=" Pooloon Float" class="display-item">Common Pooloon Float</a>

Common Pooloon Float

Category: MYO

Artist: Hack

Resale Value: 2 Moon Droplet


Use this Float to create a common Pooloon MYO slot.


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Pooloon Float" class="display-item">Unusual Pooloon Float</a>

Unusual Pooloon Float

Category: MYO

Artist: Hack

Resale Value: 4 Moon Droplet


Use this Float to create a unusual Pooloon MYO slot. Can use Unusual and Common traits.


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Pooloon Float" class="display-item">Rare Pooloon Float</a>

Rare Pooloon Float

Category: MYO

Artist: Hack

Resale Value: 8 Moon Droplet


Use this Float to create a rare Pooloon MYO slot. Can use Rare, Unusual, and Common traits.


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Pooloon Float" class="display-item">Epic Pooloon Float</a>

Epic Pooloon Float

Category: MYO

Artist: Hack

Resale Value: 16 Moon Droplet


Use this Float to create an epic Pooloon MYO slot. Can use Any traits from Common to Epic rarity.


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Pooloon Float" class="display-item">Unlimited Pooloon Float</a>

Unlimited Pooloon Float

Category: MYO

Artist: Hack

Resale Value: 50 Moon Droplet


A special Pooloon MYO slot that lets you use any traits (yes, even seasonal) without other items.

<a href=" Pet Box" class="display-item">Frog Pet Box</a>

Frog Pet Box

Category: Boxes

Artist: Hack

Resale Value: 150 Baby Stars


Frog Collection Box! Open to get 1 random frog for your collection needs!


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Hat" class="display-item">Winter Hat</a>

Winter Hat

Category: Boxes

Artist: Hack


Silly holiday hat user boarder! Open box to add this boarder to your user settings.

<a href=" Star Bag" class="display-item">Baby Star Bag</a>

Baby Star Bag

Category: Boxes

Artist: Hack


Open this item to get a random amount of Baby Stars!

<a href=" Globe" class="display-item">Snow Globe</a>

Snow Globe

Category: Boxes

Artist: Hack


Open box to get the Snow Globe User Boarder!

<a href=" Tear" class="display-item">Rainbow Tear</a>

Rainbow Tear

Category: Seasonal

Resale Value: 1000 Baby Stars

Seasonal trait item that allows you to give one of the following to a Sap or MYO slot:


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Wing Coin" class="display-item">Golden Wing Coin</a>

Golden Wing Coin

Category: Magical

Resale Value: 400 Baby Stars

Use this item to give a MYO slot or existing character Feathered Wings. This item can be stacked with other Golden Wing Coins up to 3 times, allowing for up to 6 wings; 2 for each Coin used.

This item can be used with Golden Bat Coin, but no more than 6 wings total may be added.


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Sock" class="display-item">Hoofed Sock</a>

Hoofed Sock

Category: Magical

Resale Value: 400 Baby Stars

Use this item to give a MYO slot or existing character Hooves.


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Red Candy" class="display-item">Dark Red Candy</a>

Dark Red Candy

Category: Magical

Resale Value: 200 Baby Stars

Use this item to give a MYO slot or existing character the Tiny Horns trait.


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Flame Bottle" class="display-item">Broken Flame Bottle</a>

Broken Flame Bottle

Category: Magical

Resale Value: 400 Baby Stars

Use this item to give a MYO slot or existing character Face Flames.


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Gems" class="display-item">Pop Gems</a>

Pop Gems

Category: Magical

Resale Value: 300 Baby Stars

Use this item to give a MYO slot or existing character Large Horns.


Purchaseable At:

110 results found.