

Cyborg! (Magical)

Category: Magical
Species: Sapsidian

A trait that turns parts or all of the body into tech of some form. Lights, panels, soundboards, and more can be added. Note that this applies to the body and pre-existing traits only, and therefore can't be used to add in other new traits.

You DO NOT need this trait for prosthetic arms/legs.

Insect Wings

Insect Wings (Magical)

Category: Magical
Species: Sapsidian

Add a set of insect wings, can be based on any real world insect. If using unique (uncommon) wings from a lesser known insect, please state so.

  • Up to 4 wings.
  • Can be stacked twice for up to 8 wings
    • Can't be combined with feathered or bat wing traits.
Container Parts

Container Parts (Magical)

Category: Magical
Species: Sapsidian

Replaces parts of a Sap's body with a container that might hold things like water, plants, and food.

  • Can't be more than 50% of the body
  • Can't replace, or be located on;
    • Visor
    • Hook
  • Can't have animals inside of the container, though small fish and bacteria are fine.
Segmented Limbs

Segmented Limbs (Magical)

Category: Magical
Species: Sapsidian

Cuts in the body where the cut off parts still float and act as though they are still connected.


Transparency (Magical)

Category: Magical
Species: Sapsidian

Is see-through! Bones, muscle tissue, organs, and more can be seen now! 

  • Bones that are markings are allowed without this trait.
  • You don't have to show everything, you can skip to bones or only show the heart, for example.
Gem Growth

Gem Growth (Magical)

Category: Magical
Species: Sapsidian

Gems, jade, diamonds, and the like growing from the body. Sometimes piercing through the visor's edges as well.

This trait, while fairly rare, seems to have been from an older time in the species' history.


Zombie (Magical)

Category: Magical
Species: Sapsidian

Zombie! Visible bones, decading flesh, the living dead! Spooks all around!


Halo (Magical)

Category: Magical
Species: Sapsidian

Adds a halo above a Sap's head! (Can also be around ears as long as it's still above the head)

Halo can be:

  • Simple and round
  • Wiggly
  • Have sections missing
  • Have simple shapes floating around it and/or added to the halo itself
  • Have a light glow

Glow (Magical)

Category: Magical
Species: Sapsidian

Glowing body parts! Can be things like the hook, fur, visor, and ears! Add that shiny, sparkly glow!

Bat Wings

Bat Wings (Magical)

Category: Magical
Species: Sapsidian
Long Neck

Long Neck (Magical)

Category: Magical
Species: Sapsidian

Long neck. No more than 4 feet long.

Plant Growth

Plant Growth (Magical)

Category: Magical
Species: Sapsidian

Plants now grow on and form your Sapsidian with this trait.

Feathered Wings

Feathered Wings (Magical)

Category: Magical
Species: Sapsidian

Adds 1 pair of feathered wings to the character's back.

Stone Body

Stone Body (Magical)

Category: Magical
Species: Sapsidian

A trait that turns parts or all of the body into a form of stone/rock. Body might crack and break because of this trait.

Leaking Visor

Leaking Visor (Magical)

Category: Magical
Species: Sapsidian

A bit of an unusual trait were liquid leaks around the edges of the mask from the void pocket. Why does their void space create water to the point where it leaks?

Unicorn Horn

Unicorn Horn (Magical)

Category: Magical
Species: Sapsidian

Add a unicorn horn. c:

Large Horns

Large Horns (Magical)

Category: Magical
Species: Sapsidian

Adds any style of twin horns that are big. Huge even.

Edible Body

Edible Body (Magical)

Category: Magical
Species: Sapsidian

Trait where parts or the whole body is made out of edible food. This includes having food on their body as well. Like cakes, breads, and meat.... wait-

Avian Feet

Avian Feet (Magical)

Category: Magical
Species: Sapsidian

Silly chicken legs lol

Eyes on Body

Eyes on Body (Magical)

Category: Magical
Species: Sapsidian

Trait of a Sap with extra eyes on their body. Could be one, could be 100. (No limits to number of eyes)

23 results found.